PowerGREP Testimonials—What the People Say

Eric Enderle

“Just dropping a note to say thank you for keeping such great software running all these years. I have used this many times to Search and collect information on files we send and receive on a daily basis and do not know what I would do without this software.”

“Hope you are safe and well and this software continues on its legacy of getting better and better each release.”

13 April 2021, California, USA

James Gafford

“Again, thank you for your awesome products. I’ve been using PowerGREP for a number of years now to perform verifications on software-generated text files containing G-code for an NC milling machine as a quality-control step in my work flow. The program turns what otherwise is a laborious and potentially error-fraught process into an absolute breeze, and significantly minimizes the risk of transmitting something to the shop floor that could cause a machine error. I definitely do recommend your products!”

15 April 2020, California, USA


“Thank you Jan. You are a total genius! I’ve now set up my script as per your suggestion and I couldn’t be happier. I can now generate a single action for all my search/replacement pairs instead of a sequence with 100’s of steps. SO much more efficient! :)”

“I’d also like to take the opportunity to tell you how much I love PowerGREP & RegexBuddy. Your flexible design to allow such diverse usage is unparalleled and much appreciated. I also greatly appreciate your direct support through the forums.”

“Thanks again. You’ve made a very happy customer :D”

16 November 2018, Australia

Stefan Hett

“Thanks for your great products. Have been using them for over 10 years now and am more than satisfied with them.”

22 June 2018, Germany

Dean Zimmerman

“I think I’m getting to like PowerGREP a lot! Thanx for your support, and more importantly, thanks for creating these wonderful tools, I simply could not do without them!”

24 May 2017, Utah, USA

Clay Cundick

“If the only thing I ever did with PowerGREP was grep help PDFs and CHMs, I’d find my PowerGREP license worth the cost. I’ll put a folder full of hardlinks to every local resource I have and GREP it for answers—wonderful tool.”

“PowerGREP makes me feel like I can do an SQL query on my personal, unorganized data, wherever it is, and actually find what I need. I won’t take the space to praise its manipulation abilities.”

31 December 2016, Utah, USA

Steven Wingfield

“Just wanted to say that I love PowerGREP. I use it literally (nearly) every day.”

28 September 2016, Colorado, USA

Motti Teicher

“I’ve just purchased and installed the latest version of PowerGREP. The first thing I tried was a find-and-replace within an MS Word document. It worked perfectly in a Hebrew right-to-left document! For me this is the most dramatic, long-awaited achievement, allowing, at last, a decent find-and-replace feature to replace [MS Word’s] nonsensical ‘wild card’ built-in feature. Many thanks, again, for a fantastic, must-have product!”

9 September 2016, Israel

Jean-Marc Pelletier

“What a great software… fast, efficient, a lot of features…”

“I believe I will enjoy using PowerGREP to search within all my files for a long time to come…”

“Thanks for developing such a great product.”

31 March 2016, Quebec, Canada

David Pratten

“PowerGREP is fantastic for finding content on my NAS and in my DropBox folder. Mountains of files and too little time. PowerGREP cuts through and finds the key files in seconds.”

14 August 2015, Australia

Janko Heilgeist

“I bought PowerGREP and RegexBuddy in January to use them at my workplace. I work as a software engineer and have used both tools about once or twice per week since: PowerGREP to collect and analyze pieces of legacy code and refactor repetitious structures; RegexBuddy to rewrite and convert complex regular expressions. Both tools have saved me lots of hours of manual searching and rewriting of code or debugging regular expressions. I love them!!”

25 February 2014, Germany

James Zinn

“I am impressed with your PowerGREP product, and find it to be useful & intuitive, and the help & tutorials blow away all the competition I evaluated.”

20 April 2013, Kansas, USA

Michael Allen

“Our corporation is a USA architecture consulting firm specializing in accessible design for hospitals, university buildings and city government buildings. We contracted twice for our website design but the results were not accessible to the visually impaired, an essential requirement for our business. Finally we developed the web project in-house, teaching each other the markup tricks and scripting we learned on the fly. PowerGREP enabled us to strip out errors in our core pages, hundreds of iterations in a few seconds. The rest of the Just Great applications are also spectacular; the interfaces are handsome and efficient. The underlying user needs have been closely examined, the solutions brilliantly perfected. If you run a crew that manipulates large amounts of code or text content, especially content with detectable patterns and rhythms, you need Just Great Software. The ‘high price’ is pocket money—PowerGREP payed for itself in less than an hour.”

26 March 2012, Florida, USA

Howard Maher

“I just wanted to pass on a BIG THANK YOU! for PowerGrep to you! I can’t tell you how often this program comes in as a lifesaver when researching data issues for me… just today I needed to sift thru 150 zipped files with roughly 10,000 files inside, and PowerGrep not only handled it, but faster than any of us imagined possible…”

“My business is data, and in researching issues, PowerGrep is one fine product… Thanks again for such a fantastic program.”

28 March 2011, Texas, USA

Chris Crayton

“PowerGrep is an amazing program. I have been looking for something that I can use on Windows for all of the text processing that I did on Unix, and PowerGrep is great. I haven’t even scratched the surface of what it can do, but I had to buy a copy for me that I often end up using at work (thank you for the ability to install on thumb drive). I’m hoping to get my company to buy some licenses for other folks, once I show off what it can do.”

“Thanks for what I know must have been a tremendous amount of work. I also use RegexBuddy, which has been a lifesaver. It’s amazing how many people in IT today that know nothing about the power of a well-written regex…”

23 March 2010, Louisiana, USA

Tim Green

“I just don’t stop being amazed at PowerGREP. There is nothing to match it on any operating system. Every day I find some new amazing capability that makes it even more valuable. It’s worth every penny of its price many times over. Thank you for creating it, and also for the best documentation of RegEx to be found anywhere.”

10 November 2009, Germany

Brent Nelson

“Thank you for your excellent products! I use them all regularly and am very satisfied with them. I have PowerGREP, EditPad Pro, RegexBuddy, and RegexMagic. I consider them all essential tools, and a great value. I initially thought PowerGREP was more than I needed and too expensive, and therefore bought a cheaper competing product. What a bad decision and a waste of money! After trying to make do with an inferior product, I bought PowerGREP and have never looked back.”

27 August 2009, Texas, USA

Antti Nuoreva

“I just wanted to tell you that PowerGREP is definitely one of the best buys I have ever made in computer software! First I hesitated a bit because the price was a bit high but the 3-month money back guarantee encouraged me to try it :) ”

“I have been extremely happy with RegexBuddy already for a long time but it is not perfect in mass processing although the GREP part in it works for small jobs. Now I am certain you have saved me WEEKS of manual edit work both at home and at work.”

“Anyway, at work our website (I do all the technical parts, it has 10000+ lines of PHP) is moving to completely different environment and even from unix to Windows and from MySQL4 to MySQL5 and from subsite to main site so you can imagine how much I love PowerGREP :) At home I have similar process which is smaller in total size and not public but more complex and technical in PHP code) so PowerGREP helps a lot in that too.”

“It’s simply incredible! I just purchased it today and at work I have already done most of the path and PHP-code changes that I thought would take weeks of trial/error process.”

“And just as you say, PowerGREP is incredibly easy to use and still unbelievably, amazingly, incredibly powerful! :o PowerGREP is _*THE*_ regular expression tool and with RegexBuddy there simply is no need for any others!”

11 March 2009, Finland

Paul Mayer

“I just want to tell you that you have a great program there. It turned a job that could have taken hours into a few minutes. I’m not sure if you know it or not but the Microsoft OneCare back up system creates ZIP files, hundreds of them. We use an external hard drive and OneCare backs up the files over our network. My daughter is a college student and her computer died and she’s been on the National Honor list for the past five years because of the meticulous notes she takes and saves in Word files. She needed all her notes for one of the topics for a final exam and by using PowerGREP we were able to search the backup drive and get her files immediately to load on another temporary computer for her to continue her intensive studies.”

“You might want to promote that users of the Microsoft OneCare system that backup to an external hard drive can easily find and retrieve their important files in the event of a computer crash or even just locate then if old files have been deleted. “Find your data in Microsoft OneCare backup files in seconds with PowerGREP!”

21 February 2008, Illinois, USA

Neal Olander

“I’ve been using Power Grep for about 2 years now.”

“I work on a large application in Visual C++. Every morning, when I start work, I startup Visual C++ and PowerGrep. PowerGrep is on my computer’s desktop all day, and I probably use it 20 to 40 times a day.”

“Not only does it help me quickly find data usages, but it lets me do global search-and-replace on strings, so I can easily improve the names of variables and methods to be more descriptive.”

“It is fast, easy-to-use and intuitive. I’d say my productivity would be cut nearly in half without it.”

“Keep up the good work!”

5 June 2007, Washington, USA

Tim Crews

“I want to compliment you on an outstanding product. I have already accomplished very useful things with PowerGREP. It is clear that you are fanatical about regular expressions. The pride in workmanship that is evident in the design and implementation of PowerGREP is inspiring.”

8 February 2007, Arizona, USA

Jack Hughes

“PowerGREP is a great program. It saved me a full days tedious work in its first hour. It more than paid for itself in its first day! I’d always shied away from regular expressions, but now I just dive right in knowing that I have a tool on hand to help me out.”

5 October 2005, United Kingdom

Tom Lambert

“The new file selector is fantastic - a huge improvement over almost anything else I’ve seen. I have often found it annoying when I have several directories spread out across the filesystem that I want included in one search. This generally required either complex file masks of multiple searches in the past. Now once I get to work on a given project, it’s all right there and can be modified in no time.”

7 May 2005, California, USA

Daniel Arsenault

“I must say it has been a positive experience doing business with your company. A lot of companies out there could learn a lot regarding customer care/satisfaction by following in your footsteps.”

28 April 2005, Prince Edward Island, Canada

Bob Marshall

“PowerGREP is a great product. Recently my company went through a massive set of changes that affected hundreds of modules. We made all the required changes in only three days. It could have taken weeks without PowerGREP.”

“I use all of your products and find them all to be well thought out reliable tools. They make my job easier than it would be without them.”

10 December 2004, Texas, USA

Vincent Vercauteren

“Thanks for EditPad Pro and PowerGrep. I am a fairly inexperienced web developer but I find that PowerGREP (together with EditPad Pro) are an extremely powerful toolset for quick editing and maintenance of text and code.”

16 October 2003, Belgium

Bob Easton

The price of PowerGREP is the best money I’ve spent in a very long time! I’m mid-way through editing a 750 page web site that is full of the oddities that accumulate over multiple generations. I am making changes in both text and binary files, a total of about 4500 files.

So far, PowerGREP has made something near a half-million changes on these files, and has proven itself indispensable. I find certain features built in that are nothing short of delightful. For example, the name completion feature in the Folder field and elsewhere makes it extremely easy to navigate to frequently used folders without a lot of retyping.

PowerGREP, and its documentation, especially the Regular Expression Tutorial, is superb. Thanks for a fine product!

26 November 2003, New York, USA

Brian Culverwell

“I have just purchased your PowerGrep, after having used the demonstration version until it expired. It is a WONDERFUL product… I am using it to find events and methods in debugging a large project, and it has reduced the time to debug by a factor of MANY. Thanks for a great set of products (I am also a registered user of HelpScribble).”

12 June 2003, Australia

Martin Andersen

“I like the use of proper Perl regex, so I don’t have to remember some special proprietary syntax variation.”

“I must also compliment you on your very helpful manual, especially on the tricky subject of Regular Expressions. Too often supplied documentation for such things are substandard or badly written, riddled with grammatical errors, etc.”

14 February 2003, Australia

Tim Maddrell

“I’ve long been a user of HelpScribble and EditPad Pro, so I naturally would expect PowerGREP to be to the same high standard. But I thought I didn’t need it. After all I’ve got grep provided by Borland with Delphi & C++ Builder.”

“Then your demo became available so I downloaded it out of curiosity and I was totally hooked by my very first search (looking for Prepare statements in *.pas files) and had to buy it immediately (within a few moments of downloading the demo)!”

22 November 2002, United Kingdom

Philippe Goutier

“Your solution [to my question on the forum] works just great. This software is unique in the universe ;)”

14 February 2021, France

Thomas Waterloo

“I’ve been using both PowerGREP and RegexBuddy on a near daily basis for many years. Really awesome and powerful stuff you’ve created."

2 January 2021, Illinois, USA

Marc Hankin

“I’m not a programmer and I am very difficult to satisfy because I have been working on PCs and getting tech support for my macro programming as a lawyer since 1982, seeing the worst and the best. PowerGREP, RegexBuddy and EditPad Pro never malfunction, the possibilities for customization are enormous, and the programming tech support JGsoft gives is in a class by itself. The most striking aspects of the support are the exceptionally high level of knowledge, and the generosity of the staff in answering questions. I thank my lucky stars for finding JGsoft, now hope to become a junior level professional Python programmer when I retire from law.”

22 October 2020, California, USA

Dave Manzari

“Recently I needed to track down which devices for a user were sending emails with the timezone set to UTC +0000 (rather than the -0800 offset for the U.S. west coast). Within a day of downloading the trial version of PowerGrep, I had gleaned the answers using PowerGrep to filter a 500MB MBOX file. What a delight! What a useful tool!”

“PowerGrep is very well though-out and very well-featured. I love the multi-tiered Action frame, the myriad of set-able defaults, the ability to save Actions and Results as well as File prefs, its many tutorials and its context help. You’ve made a complex topic easy to make use of.”

“Thanks for making what had eluded me become clear.”

8 January 2019, Oregon, USA

Eric K. Enderle

“Just wanted to drop a note and say thank you for such great software, I use it every day in the law enforcement business for 250+ cities across the united states, and your program has helped us locate and report on thousands of searches requiring fast answers to the requesters.”

28 January 2017, California, USA

Grant Botes

“In the week that I’ve had it, PowerGREP is becoming one of my most valued tools (along with a fair few of the other JGsoft products which I recently purchased—I can’t think how I managed without them, actually). I’m using PowerGREP for a data collection project, mining thousands of staff letters and job descriptions for data.”

14 March 2017, South Africa

Andrew Miller

“I just wanted to say thank you. This is wonderful. I search through logs all day in debugging, and I’m the fastest researcher at work when things go wrong because we have millions of logs each with 10k+ lines and I’m the only one that instantly knows what’s going on.”

“I even got frustrated when I couldn’t upgrade my PowerGREP 4. But then, I looked closer in my emails, and I saw why: My user ID was changed to allow PowerGREP 5 and my feelings instantly transformed into receiving a Christmas present, one that you really wanted. What a great surprise. I thought I was good with only having PowerGREP 4, but PowerGREP 5 is so nice. I know some of the things my mind was blown away from were probably already in 4, but I just noticed you can do some extremely incredible searches with 5.”

11 November 2016, Texas, USA

David Megnin

“You wouldn’t believe how much time PowerGREP has saved me. As the only web developer in our small non-profit organization (if you call 500 employees small) I’m responsible for creating and maintaining all of our in-house web applications and tools. Maybe four dozen separate web sites with hundreds of different pages. We recently ‘re-branded’ the company and changed our name and everything referencing the old name had to be changed; titles, addresses, links to logos, headers, the list goes on. PowerGREP made it so easy to find and change all that text and information buried in hundreds of folders on the web server. So, thank you very much!!!! :-)”

28 September 2016, Florida, USA

Jesús Peraita

“I’m using version 4, but I think I’ll upgrade ASAP to version 5. PowerGREP is among the most useful (and well thought-out, and with this amazing level of support…) tools I’ve seen in my over 40-year-long relationship with IT.”

19 September 2016, Spain

Walter Pelowski

“I know of no other tool like PowerGREP. Inevitably, when I’m working with a coworker or customer regarding some data aggregation or parsing need, my solution time and time again has been to use PowerGREP to get it done. It really is an amazing, one-of-a-kind program.”

22 August 2016, Michigan, USA

John Bolton

“Thank you! Wow, PowerGrep appears to have no limits! I’ve purchased PG and a bunch of other of your software already. GREAT software! I truly only wish I had known about it 5 years ago, would have saved a huge amount of time.”

19 September 2014, Spain

Paul Throckmorton

“I bought PowerGREP about 3 years ago, primarily because of starting a job for which I needed to analyze test-log text files that are thousands of lines long, but which contain a much smaller number of lines which are useful to me. The tool, with its capabilities for searching and sorting, makes it manageable for me to find the proverbial needle-in-a-haystack within those logs, understand that information within its useful context, as well as grasp the relative frequencies of different events. This is key for my ability to be productive, and I use the tool on a daily basis. I was initially hesitant to spend the money to buy it, but it has paid for itself many times over. Time is valuable; don’t waste it. PowerGREP’s powers extend well-beyond file search, to file manipulation, which I use much less, but that has also been quite valuable at times. “Another powerful application for PowerGREP is in searching through a large quantity of email messages. At my workplace we use Outlook for email, and I consider Outlook’s mail-search usability/capability to be very poor. Now I auto-print each message to pdf files in a specific folder, using an Outlook “Print It“ rule and print-to-pdf software. Searching that archive is much more productive than trying to use Outlook’s search feature.”

17 June 2014, Colorado, USA

Stephen Forsyth

“I bought several of your apps six months ago. I use EditPad Pro and PowerGREP every day, I love them both, and I cringe at the thought of life without them now.”

“Sadly, I lusted after PowerGREP for years, but the price always put me off, so I stuck with [other products] for far too long. Only when I got a job working with gigabytes of source code did I decide to stump up for PowerGREP (plus EditPad Pro, RegexBuddy, AceText, and RegexMagic). Now I wish I’d bought them all years ago.”

“Jan and team, you are awesome. Thank-you for writing such fantastic, high-quality, powerful, software. You’ve greatly improved my productivity and made my job interesting and fun. PowerGREP and EditPad Pro turn monotonous tasks into fun adventures in creative thinking.”

28 June 2011, Canada

John T. Jarrett

“EditPad Pro did all the search and replaces I needed over a number of months as long as I was working with individual files or directories. When going to entire XML documents, PowerGREP was an excellent upgrade—especially with being able to stack the searches on top of each other, yet all in one savable search. It has been almost a dozen years since I did serious regex search and replace and your regex tutorial help files not only got me back into the swing of it, but have made me better than I ever was.”

15 September 2010, Texas, USA

Paul Dobbins

“I ultimately decided to go with PowerGREP due to its incredible search speed and because of the File Selector - exactly what I was looking for! Thanks very much for a great product!”

12 December 2009, Texas, USA

Josiah Hincks

“I am currently using PowerGREP a lot. Mainly because of the multiple ways you can verify changes before committing to them. The multiple undo features are superb. In this regard PowerGrep is miles ahead of the clunky approach in TextPipe. My confidence and skill with regexes is really improving as a result. In addition the expression engine in TextPipe is not as feature rich as yours is.”

3 October 2009, Italy

Philip Goddard

“I have to say, PowerGREP is really getting me global control over my web pages in a way that I’ve never had before. I’m busy cleaning up my web pages and stylesheet files, removing all sorts of redundant code and thus reducing page loading time and site bandwidth usage.”

27 March 2009, United Kingdom

Robert C. Rolnik

“I have to congratulate you on an exceptionally straightforward tool for managing many regexes. I use your tool daily for screening legal documents to assure formalities are correct. In addition, PowerGREP helps me quickly find limitations and disclaimers in patents and other publications. Your online manual is particularly well put together – a genuine pleasure to read.”

26 January 2009, Texas, USA

Tomas Eklund

“I really like PowerGREP and I rely on it heavily for my daily work. My job would be a pain without it. You are doing a great job. Thanks!”

26 November 2008, Sweden

Andreas Kroll

“I am working with my version of PowerGREP for some time now, and I really enjoy every single time where I am much faster doing complicated search&replace sessions on different files. Some people really can’t believe until they see what PowerGREP is capable of. Thanks for creating it.”

23 July 2008, Germany

Simon Wadsworth

“I’m emailing just to say ‘thank you!’ and congratulate you on these superb products EditPad Pro and PowerGREP.”

“I’ve been using other tools for these tasks for years now and none of them has come close to being as feature rich as yours. Feature rich, but not feature bloat. Everything seems to be there for a clear purpose and is very well thought out. It isn’t often these days that one comes across software that is so impressively focused on its tasks.”

“The combination of file selector and library in PowerGrep makes the repetitive tasks so much easier.”

2 April 2008, United Kingdom

Tim Nemec

“Wow. Turns out I’ve been living in the dark for years and didn’t know it. As a network admin, I realized that I needed to improve my regular expression skills. While I could handle simple expressions, I really needed to start utilizing more of their power. As part of this quest, I ended up purchasing RegExBuddy and, incidentally, saw PowerGREP. Once I saw what a nice (and well documented!) tool RegExBuddy was, I came back to the JGsoft web site to read more about PowerGREP. The more more I read, the more I realized this tool belonged in my tool kit.”

“I’ve really just started to explore its power but I’m already very impressed. JGsoft has obviously invested a tremendous effort to produce this professional-class tool. Frankly, I should have invested in PowerGREP years ago.”

“Great job folks. Thanks!”

18 January 2007, Iowa, USA

“PowerGREP is fantastic. As a sysadmin, I don’t have a clue how I lived without it. I now use it several times a day to answer questions that use to take much longer to answer. You’ve made me king of the log data…. I’m slicing and dicing like a Ginsu knife.”

“Yes, I’m even RTFM… up to page 130… and enjoying it.”

11 February 2007, Iowa, USA

Matt Maher

“HOLY COW I LOVE THIS PROGRAM! I bought your RegEx program a month or so ago and do very much love it as well, but this PowerGrep program is terrific. It’s amazing, in fact, and I’ve downloaded dozens and dozens of these to test over the past few years.


9 August 2005, Colorado, USA

Simon Page

“PowerGREP has opened up a whole new way for me to perform many time consuming tasks. The combination of using RegexBuddy to create, and importantly test, complex regular expressions and then have PowerGREP perform updates based on them with sophisticated file selection and full undo is just awesome.”

22 June 2005, United Kingdom

Marten Gallagher

“Many thanks for the work that has obviously gone into PowerGREP 3.”

“I was just starting, today, the conversion of an old website to XHTML and v3 arrived at exactly the right moment and I’m already using it. I may have a few comments later but it is worth every penny of the upgrade.”

“Thank you again for producing such efficient text and regex tools.”

“Marten Gallagher, Annery Kiln Web Design“”

26 April 2005, United Kingdom

Lorne Guse

“PowerGREP is quite simply the best search and replace tool I have ever tried. Hands Down. No Contest.”

21 December 2004, Canada

Steven Wingfield

“Thank you for writing such a quality product. What a great interface to such a common need! You’ve saved me immeasurable time in my daily work.”

25 March 2003, Colorado, USA

Eric Blanke

“Thanks a million. PowerGREP is the best product of its kind I’ve ever used. Anybody who complains about the cost isn’t billing enough for their time.”

30 May 2003, California, USA

Thomas J. Theimer

“I’m impressed!

“I originally downloaded the PowerGREP demo to aid my learning of regular expressions (your help file is good!). I quickly found that the intuitive design of the program made it addictive. And a week later I found it indispensable when I started a job rebuilding an old software product.”

“Thanks for another great product.”

21 August 2003, California, USA

“I want to let you know that I was delighted with PowerGrep from the start as both a search tool and a RegEx tutor/teacher. And the more I use it the more I’m impressed with its design. Nice piece of work!”

18 May 2004, California, USA

Steven T. Cramer

“Thank you for a great product. It worked very well :)”

“I can’t believe I have deprived myself of such a great tool for so long.”

16 January 2003, Colorado, USA

Tiago Ameller www.sistemasc.net

“I think with PowerGREP you fill a gap in the Windows development arena.”

“Years ago, with UNIX sed utility I made refactorings to COBOL sources. Now, with your new utility I’m converting and refactoring a large Delphi project from D4 to D6, changing components from a vendor to another, changing programming style issues and more, all helped with complex reg-ex in semi-batch mode. Almost 75% of my project refactoring is done in a snap with PowerGREP. Long life to professional utilities like this!”

“Your happy customer,

“Tiago Ameller,

23 November 2002, Spain

See PowerGREP in Action

There are four ways to see PowerGREP in action:

Read more about PowerGREP's features and benefits.